This is a calculator that uses the Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) model for inputting arithmetic expressions. It simplifies complex calculations by eliminating the need for parentheses, and allows for more efficient usage of the calculator's memory.
The installation process is made easy with the configure script. This script allows for enabling or disabling of user interfaces, except for the text ui. One thing to note is that if the readline-ui interface is included, it will be set as default. Otherwise, the text-ui interface will be selected by default.
As far as operands go, bcalc supports basic operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). Additionally, it provides for other functions like calculating the faculty (!), raising to the power of (^), calculating the square root (sqrt), and mod (%) operation.
When it comes to commands, bcalc has a few handy features that make it stand out. The p command allows you to print the top value of the stack, and the s command can be used to print the entire stack. The d command deletes the top value, while the q command allows you to quit the program. The c command clears the entire stack, and the a command repeats the last operation on all values in the stack.
Lastly, bcalc is relatively flexible when it comes to input methods. Commas and periods can be used interchangeably. Additionally, since version 0.2.3, input methods such as "55 66 +" will be recognized as valid inputs, alongside the traditional "55 66 +".
All in all, bcalc proves to be a solid choice for anyone in need of a simplistic calculator with multiple user interface options.
Version 0.2.5: N/A