This software provides a Perl interface for accessing the API of Yet Another Registrar for domain registration services.
To facilitate serializing and deserializing the requests to the YAR service adequately, you would require either JSON, YAML, YAML::Syck, XML::Simple, or Data::URIEncode installed.
The SYNOPSIS of Net::YAR is composed of two test scenarios. In the first scenario, connect the server and execute the YAR method util.noop, thereby returning a test response. In the second scenario, complete information required to register a domain in a single pass is presented, and the module helps to register your domain.
With the Net::YAR API, registering a domain in one pass is swift and easy. Simply create a hash reference with the necessary domain information and pass it to the register method executed by YAR. The details of the new domain created will be grouped and listed for ease of review.
In summary, Net::YAR is an innovative module that simplifies the task of domain registration with API services. It is an excellent addition to Perl's growing list of software modules and plugins, providing a convenient function for registering domains with ease.
Version 1.070: N/A