MoneyToys offers 17 financial calculators that can be integrated into real estate agent websites, saving visitors the effort of leaving to perform real estate and financial calculations.
MoneyToys™ calculators offer immediate and long-term value to your web site. They are a time-tested, customer-proven set of financial calculators that you can install on your website with an affordable perpetual license. What's even better is that you can easily incorporate functionality that is user-friendly to your web site.
MoneyToys™ financial calculators are designed to give webmasters a hassle-free way to add instant interactivity to their web sites. With financial calculator applets that can be easily added to your website, you do not need to have any technical skills to install them. All you need to do is copy the online calculator to your web server's appropriate directory and add HTML code to your web page, and you're good to go!
Additionally, you can set your initial calculator values and tweak the colors that match your site's theme. The installation comes with step-by-step instructions, so you don't have to worry about navigating through a complicated process. There are three sample web pages included to make copy-and-paste of the required code for your web pages faster and more convenient.
The 17 calculators offered on MoneyToys™ provide a diverse set of solutions. The calculators include the Simple Loan Calculator, Mortgage Qualification Calculator, Biweekly Payment Calculator, Down Payment Savings Calculator, Very Simple Loan Calculator, APR Calculator, Closing Costs Calculator, Home Seller's Proceeds, Refinancing Calculator, Rent or Buy Calculator, Loan Spread Calculator, Cash Flows Calculator, Future Value Calculator, Pay Down or Invest Calculator, Loan Comparisons Calculator, Payment Calculator, and Average Interest Rate Calculator.
Version 3.0: Recogizes the regional settings of the web site visitor's browser and accommodates the currency symbol associated with the country of the visitor. Added Average Interest Rate Calculator to the MoneyToys(tm) collection. The entire MoneyToys Collection now includes 17 website calculators.
Version 2.2.1: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.1.2: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.1.1: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.1: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.0.4: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.0.3: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.0.2: Improved installation instructions and sample pages
Version 2.0.1: Improved installation instructions and sample pages