Enjoy playing various versions of Rummy card game including Gin Rummy, 500 Rummy and Indian Rummy with RUMMY Card Game from Special K. Other game variants available are Oklahoma Rummy, Michigan Rummy, Boat House Rummy, Pinochle Rummy, Kaluki, Round the Corner Rummy, One Meld Rummy and Wild Card Rummy.
One of the highlights of the software is that you can use Windows to achieve a realistic atmosphere for your game. This includes fun animations and sound effects that add to the game's excitement.
Not only can you choose from a variety of games, but you can also customize the game rules, playing styles, scoring techniques, and more. You can even play with up to six players, making it a great option for group game nights.
The software is flexible enough to allow you to create your own rules, so you can adapt it to fit your preferred play style. Additionally, it can support a range of screen resolutions and sound cards, so you have even more customization options.
For those who are new to the Rummy family of games, the software comes complete with a comprehensive help file that describes the rules and playing logic. This makes it an ideal option for beginners and experts alike. Overall, if you are looking for a great Rummy game, the RUMMY Card Game from Special K is a great choice.
Version 3.23: improved logic and display
Version 3.22: improved logic and display