Timeline is a software that tracks milestones in your life and the lives of those significant to you. It monitors health metrics and is compatible with Jawbone fitness trackers. Users can view events on a timeline, export data, and sync information to a CSV file.

Keeping track of when you took vacations, particular jobs, where you lived, and so on is effortless with Timeline. One can record events about their friends and family too while tagging one event with all the people who were involved. The software also allows users to organize events by category or by making them belong to other events. Users can add notes to any event, which can also include pictures. Furthermore, the Timeline provides a feature to chart health data item over time.
Timeline also syncs with Jawbone fitness trackers, providing users with relevant data. The software conveniently exports all data in CSV format, which includes all jawbone wake/workout/sleep data. Lastly, users can utilize Weissoft.com to add health measurements from their mobile device. In summary, Timeline is an easy-to-use program that allows users to keep track of their significant events effectively.
Version 1.0: Initial release