Yaldex Colored ScrollBars is a powerful software tool that creates CSS Style definitions and JavaScript code for animated colored scrollbars for web pages.

One of the great features of Yaldex Colored ScrollBars is the ability to customize color schemes by inputting Hex color values in the text box, choosing from the color box or palette dialog, or using the color picker. Users can even create emails with colored scrollbars by saving Outlook Express stationery files within the program.
This software tool makes it simple to create eye-catching scrollbars that require no code writing whatsoever. Yaldex Colored ScrollBars produces all necessary HTML code, CSS definitions, and even JavaScript code if needed. Other features include a built-in color picker, HTML Editor, real-time preview, and additional background and sample text.
After creating your scrollbar, you can copy the designed code to your clipboard, save it as a JavaScript or Cascading Style Sheets file, or even save it as an Outlook Express Stationery file. Additionally, you can paste the code into your desired webpage, and Yaldex Colored ScrollBars will automatically insert it for you.
While it's worth noting that only Internet Explorer 5.5 or later versions support colored scrollbars, statistics show that this browser remains the most widely used. So, if you're using it, you can take full advantage of Yaldex Colored ScrollBars' powerful features.
Version 1.8: Built-in html editor with full HTML, CSS and JavaScript highlighting.