IGcapture software is a tool for downloading and storing Instagram photos. Simply input the URL of the relevant 'Go to post' page, and the software will locate and download the desired image.

Using IGcapture is very straightforward. All you need to do is visit an Instagram page, find the image that you would like to save, and click on the three dots that appear across from 'Add a comment...'. From there, select 'Go to post' and copy the URL that appears. Once you have done this, simply activate IGcapture and wait for the image file to be retrieved.
After the image has been retrieved, a 'Save' dialog will appear prompting you to name the file. Type in your preferred file name and press 'ENTER' or click on the 'Save' button to save the file. Once saved, the image file will be opened in your default image viewer, so you can easily view your downloaded image.
Overall, IGcapture is a reliable software that delivers on its promise of effortlessly downloading Instagram images. Its simple and user-friendly interface makes it accessible to users, even those who are less familiar with technology.
Version 1.1.1: Improved handling of 'Paste and go'. ExifTool version: 10.7.0
Version 1.1.0: 'Web' menu option to navigate to the Instagram Web site. 'Explore' menu option to open Windows Explorer. Artist's name and Instagram user name are retrieved and saved as metadata. Installer includes an option for portable mode, which will bypass creating a Start Menu group and an uninstaller.
Version 1.0.0: Initial release.