Softick Mobile Solitaires offers 800 games including Spider, Klondike, and Pyramid, with support for VGA displays and options to customize appearance, manage favorites, and save 10 games at a time. It also allows users to view game hints and is compatible with Windows Mobile devices.

Employing Softick Mobile Solitaires is a fantastic way to take a break from a busy workday or any hectic schedule, allowing you to relax, unwind and enjoy hours of fun from the comfort of your mobile device. The large quantity of games offered by this software ensures that you'll never run out of options, as it will keep you entertained for hours on end.
This software can work on any type of Pocket PC mobile device with Windows Mobile 2003 SE and offers VGA display support that allows for playing solitaires with your handheld's native resolution. The software requires a mere K free memory, and it's easy to use.
Some of the exciting features present in Softick Mobile Solitaire Games Collection include support for QVGA and VGA landscape and portrait orientations. You can order the list of games according to their complexity, type, or playing time. Depending on your preference, it offers drag&drop, tapping, or two keyboard navigation types for a unique gaming experience.
Also, the Next Move feature for beginners is an excellent addition that shows the next move in the game. It provides full-screen play support and the option to choose the color of the game field and cardback. It’s also skineable, allowing you to set the aspect of King or Queen's face to match your preferences.
Moreover, you can manage your favorites, save your last ten games played, and undo moves in unlimited amounts. Softick Mobile Solitaire Games Collection also allows you to play timed games, view a Highscores table to monitor your score, scrutinize statistics, and learn rules for all the included solitaire games. Overall, Softick Mobile Solitaire Games Collection is an excellent software for all solitaire game enthusiasts, providing entertainment and delightful gameplay on your mobile device.
Version 1.00: N/A